A couple other ways and places to schedule (and feedback from patients has been better with these locations!) SAFEWAY: https://www.safeway.com/pharmacy/covid-19.html You can put in your zip code and will get you to the closest Safeway that offers the vaccine. SAN RAMON FD: https://www.firedepartment.org/.../Compo.../News/News/240/17 Hope this helps! 1/15/2020: Registration Instructions to Receive the Vaccine
To our knowledge, at this point, there are 3 ways to get the vaccine. First, through Kaiser if you are a patient with Kaiser insurance. Second, through John Muir Health. Per a email blast from John Muir Health, if you have a John Muir Health account, they will contact you in a 'variety of ways including MyChart messages, email, text messages and phone calls.' They are going to start with patients 75 years and older and then work their way down. Third, through Contra Costa County Health Services, which is how employees from SRVPT scheduled their vaccinations. Many of us have already had the first shot and most of us will have had it by the end of next week! For those residents 65 and older please click below to register to get the vaccine from Contra Costa County Public Health website. After you complete the online registration form the county will determine if you qualify for the vaccine and send you an invitation to make an appointment. https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx... The CDC has a lot of great resources about the vaccine as well as the Contra Costa County Health Services page. Certainly, consult with your doctor if you have any questions. Registration Instructions to Receive the Vaccine https://www.cdc.gov/coronav.../2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/vaccine
There are many uses for the foam roll; from soft tissue release techniques, to stretching, and even taking up space in the corner of a room! Dust off your foam roll, lay on it, any try this easy and effective neck stretch...especially after a long day. First: lay on the foam roll with your head, neck, AND butt, all fitting on the foam roll. The short rollers will not work for this exercise. Second: When turning your head to the right, first slide your head slightly off to the left side. This keeps the integrity of your neck bio mechanics when going through the stretch. Not doing this step would allow for your head to roll off to the right of the foam roll, making it a pointless exercise. Third: Rotate your head, pivoting off of the foam roll, angling your nose to the ground. As you can tell, there is a straight line through the top of my head, down my spine, though the middle of my body.
Hold this position 3-5 seconds and perform 5-10x each side. This is a big stretch targeting the upper half of the neck. Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions. Dominick Your hamstrings are such an important muscle that provide tons of stability in walking, running, bending over, etc. They are often overlooked with the glutes and quads typically getting all the love. It is good to have a few go-to hamstring exercises at home. Here is one of my favorites: the hamstring bridge curl. To start, you need something that will slide on your floor. In the Danville clinic, we use old school furniture sliders, as you'll see below. In San Ramon, we have sliders meant for floor workouts which can be found on Amazon. In my garage, I use pieces of cardboard that seem to slide on the garage floor just fine (I know, I should probably upgrade).
Here is a video of it in action. We hope you have a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday and wish you a Happy New Year!
Dominick and the SRVPT family Good Morning! Time to get up and get the day started! Gotta warm up the body and the Bretzel is a great way to get that accomplished. The next thing is to stretch the other side!
Hope you enjoy the Bretzel! Dominick Many exercise routines and strength regimes tend to incorporate of some sort of pressing overhead. Alternating arms, both arms, military press, even overhead triceps work, and the list can go on and on. It is a GREAT way to target multiple muscles in the shoulder BUT (a BIG but) you MUST make sure you have enough shoulder range of motion (ROM) to complete the task. If you cannot complete the motion withOUT weight, what makes you think you can do it WITH weight? Here is the check: Supine Shoulder FlexionStart by laying on your back, knees bent and hands by your sides. Next, arch your arm overhead. You should be able to have your hand and arm touch the ground overhead with
If you have any questions, please let us know. Dominick [email protected] Tuesdays 6:40 – 7:30pm 8 week session beginning Oct 20th at SRVPT (Bishop Ranch location) $200 for full session. Max 6 people in class (prepay to hold your spot) **Must bring your own mat and wear a mask* Ab ScissorsAb scissors are one of the best core and hip stabilizing exercises, but, like most exercises, it needs to be done correctly. There are a few major errors that are commonly made which we will aim to fix today. I like to perform 10-20 reps on one side, then repeat on the opposite side. Some people like to alternate, which can be effective. The Compensations (DON'T DO THIS)I hope this helps and gives you a few pointers the next time you try ab scissors.
Dominick [email protected] One of the most prescribed (and most favorite) exercises I give to patients is the single leg Romanian deadlift. It is such a well rounded exercise that can be easily progressed and regressed, works on multiple muscle groups, challenges balance, and emphasizes proper lifting mechanics. I give the SLRDL for most lower limb injuries and even low back pain when appropriate during the course of treatment. The SLRDL
Repeat 10x 3 sets. Try to not let your swing leg touch the ground throughout the set. The Details....Too Easy?? Too Hard??Chris Bleakley wrote an editorial in the Journal of Sports Medicine about the most recent evidence on icing after an injury and here is a great infographic.
AuthorThe therapists at SRVPT have a variety of backgrounds and are interested in sharing our knowledge with you! Check out their bios for more specific information. Archives
August 2024